Æbletræ af sorten Danziger Kantæble
Leaf from Danziger Kantapfel
Æbleblomst af sorten Danziger Kant
Tree of variety Danziger Kantapfel
Leaf from Danziger Kantapfel
Flower from Danziger Kantapfel
Danziger Kantapfel
Danziger Kantapfel
Danziger Kantapfel Danziger Kantapfel Danziger Kantapfel
Danziger Kantapfel
Danziger Kantapfel

Danziger Kantapfel

There is disagreement as to where the apple originated. It is first described by the dutchman H. Knoop in the 1760s. It may be of Dutch origin. Some believe that it comes from Danzig in Poland. It has been known by many names. Danziger Kantapfel has been known in Denmark since in 1788.

The tree grows somewhat slow, but in time large trees with a flat, wide, open and distinctive crown. The tree is healthy and can reach an high age. There is no scab on apples.

The fruit is medium size 70 to 75 mm wide and between 65 and 70 mm high. The flesh is white, but can be reddish under the skin. The apple is juicy with a sweet refreshing taste.

Danziger Edge Apple is a good and beautiful eating apple from early October through into January.

Grafting of apple trees
Grafting of apple trees
step by step

About, apple trees from seed, apple tree varieties, chip budding, grafting, rootstocks, scions, T-budding