Rogers Mcintosh apple flowers
Roger Mcintosh Apple
Roger Mcintosh Apple
Rogers Mcintosh apple flowers
Roger Mcintosh Apple
Roger Mcintosh Apple
Roger Mcintosh Apples
Roger Mcintosh Apples
Roger Mcintosh Apple
Roger Mcintosh Apples
Roger Mcintosh Apple
Roger Mcintosh Apple
Roger Mcintosh Apple
Roger Mcintosh apple seeds
Roger Mcintosh Apple
Roger Mcintosh apple seeds

Roger Mcintosh Apple

Synonyms: Double Red McIntosh, McIntosh Rogers New York Strain, Red McIntosh, Rogers Red McIntosh.

Originated before 1930 at Densville, New York by Isaac. C. Rogers. It was introduced in 1932. Was widespread in danish orchards around 1970.

Rogers Mcintosh is a mutation of McIntosh, where a tree was discovered in 1811 by John McIntosh on his farm in Dundela, a small village near Morrisburg, in Dundas County, Ontario, Canada. Parent variety is believed to be a Canadian apple, Snow Apple, also known as Fameuse.

The tree has a medium strong growth and is fruitful. It is winter hardy and achieve the best quality in not too warm regions.

The fruit is medium in size with irregular shape. The color is green with dark red topcoat over most. The flesh is fine and juicy, with a sweet-tart, pleasant winey flavor.

Mcintosh has lots of descendants where the dark red color, the white juicy pulp and the pleasant vinagtige taste is reflected in the offspring.

Rogers Mcintosh is a first-class eating apple. Good for salads and other uses in the kitchen. Boils quickly.


Grafting of apple trees
Grafting of apple trees
step by step

About, apple trees from seed, apple tree varieties, chip budding, grafting, rootstocks, scions, T-budding